so, after the initial shock of joining the masses in blogging (or as i fudged, blobbing), here i am again after a mere couple of hours.
and what better place to start than my puking and pooping escapades under the grim clutches of the dreaded norwalk virus, sure to destroy any chance of anyone ever returning to my blob ever again (yes i'm gonna call it a blob from now on methinks). so i get home from a superbowl party on sunday evening, on 116th and riverside off the m5 (i just wanted to get my ass home, i caught the first bus downtown i saw) in the snow. i'd been feeling queazy ever since i'd downed large bowls of homemade chilli (good stuff drew) and egg rolls compliments of yang. and one and a half buds. fucking bud. so yeah, i thought i ate too much. then i thought i ate something bad. then i heard christian in the back of my head, "norwalk, norwalk, norwalk". oh god. i wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.
*weak stomached readers stop here*
so for the next eight hours or so i intermittently puke explosive puke convulsing so bad i'm afraid i might break my fucking back again. in between these bouts with my bowels i pass out for about an hour of exhausted sleep, only to wake up reaching for the trash can again. around 6am is the last time i remember seeing a clock, and i wake up on and off to take care of 'other things' (not puking at least) on and off 'till 8pm. go back to sleep at 11pm, so ends monday. wake up 9am today, class up the ass. eat my frist meal in 39 hours with liu and austin, french toast. sat....okay...but still a bit queazy. class class study, soup, and here i am, still queazy. but at least now it's coming out of the right oriface (sorry you had to hear that)
so ends my first real blob.
stay tuned!
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