The Squeeze - tempted by the fruit of another
so what have i been doing for the past hour? researching Sasser. this new virus/worm going around that's spreading like a cyber wildfire of sorts. i know for a fact it's eating columbia. it might be a few different ones, though. there's at least four strains of sasser at the moment (a-d) each getting progressively worse.
goldman sachs was shut down for FOUR HOURS yesterday or today, i forget which. i can't imagine how much money that cost.
my sister works for MTV, and they're almost completely infected. her computer may have been the gets the blue screen of death on startup and immediately reboots/shuts down. she said all her coworkers are shutting down within 10 minutes. she's freakin' out.
i heard sasser was on CNN a little while ago but i haven't seen it yet. maybe i'll go look for that. either way, if you think you might have it, or even if you don't, MAKE SURE YOU RUN A WINDOWS UPDATE as soon as possible. and there's a fixtool for it here. just follow the directions.
whoever wrote this should go to that special hell.
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