bounce bounce bounce....that seems to be how my life goes....anytime i get something on my mind for more than few day sthat's what happens. i'm reminded of a darwinian theory of natural selection i learned in a summer program before 9th make it short...a good example is a grocery store check out line. if there's ONE gets huge, and a second line opens up. darwin observed that in this situation, nature tends to overcompensate to the second line....and too many people switch from the first line to the second line. the retards who overcompensated realize they overcompensated and GO BACK to the first line....but overcompensate again. and so starts an endless cycle of overcompensation for any change in the system which, in the end, creates an equally inevitablye OSCILLATION in the machine that is the life we live in. the example darwin gave was wolves (i think) and rabbits...assuming the were the only predator and prey, respectively. start out with too many wolves...the rabbits almost all fuckin' die. wolves have no food...wolves die. rabbits procreate. lotsa rabbits...wolves procreate. fuck...too many wolves...rabbits die. rinse repeate. it's the tiny lag in ANY type of food cahine (even money!) that creates oscillations.
that turned out longer than i intended it to.
women...every week. oscillations. fuckin' sucks. "women" is the wrong word. more like "woman". 'no go' this week.
money...i want the bike....i dont' want the bike...i want the bike....i dont' want the bike. right now i want the bike.
the only decisions i ever make are on the rare whim. if i don't make a whimsical deciision then nothing ever changes from the ordinary.....
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