Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


my blood flowing through me
how much can i suck?

jesus fuckin' christ with a dead baby to garnish...i am sucking SO much today. nothing really important, however, which just makes it PAINFUL.

so today started out last night...when i started a reading/coffee/powernap/study binge to cram all the crap i neglected by playing poker on monday night instead. so i'm reading, i'm coffeeing, i'm napping...and around 10am...i realize that i don't even FUCKING HAVE CLASS TODAY...it was moved to friday 'cause my prof's at a convention.

fuck. i could've slept.

so instead i fuck around...finish my pset just before it's due (for another class)....and i go and turn it in. right when i get back steiner calls me to take me up on an offer to play racquetball. so i walk BACK out...past math where i just turned in my pset...and down to dodge.

what do we find? little kids learning squash and taking turns getting tutored, or something. that's all i could figure out...'cause there were a million bags, kids on tables everywhere, each with a grown up tutor....and tables IN THE BACK RACQUETBALL COURT with kids and tutors...and six courts with some other kids playing squash.....so yeah....no courts.

SO I COME BACK HOME AGAIN. what a piece of shit day. no tthat it's stressful at all...i just made my life one giant pain in the ASS!


i'm gonna watch some firefly.



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