Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



sooo i've made large headway. so much for the play by play. emptied all the cupboard spaces above the dresser, got all my books in boxes. blades, shoes, notebooks, amp, blanket....most of the 'stuff' is packed up. i started to hit the clothes, threw away a small handful of items and came upon a box i've been keepint my 'records' in for the past five or six years. found tons of bank statements and receipts of shit i've already lost/broke...letters, postcards....couldn't help but get really nostalgic. found a few letters between me and lindsay...that old, old girlfriend of mine from highschool (first girlfriend). god, those were painful to read. some nice ones, though. well, nice in a...mildly relieving sort of way, i guess.

to this day...i still haven't liked a girl like i liked her. it's kinda sad, really. nowadays no girls just strike me like she did. hot, yes. but not the personality. maybe it's nyc? maybe i'm just stressed? maybe i'm just young? who knows. either way, now i'm all full of those emotions one has when he/she finishes four years of something....anything...and just thinks back.

i hate packing.

little boy.


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