Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


only tuesday

so brian and meghann left this afternoon. we had lunch together one last time (they left before i got off work). very nice to see them :) they had a good time. i told 'em more than a week and you start lookin' for an apartment and a job already...haha.

took a break from surfing to play some ultimate. goddamn. i REALLY feel the difference when i don't sleep nowadays. it's pathetic. i got so fuckin' tired...i was talkin' to...i think cat and moani last night and didn't notice that it was passing 11pm. was late to work, but nobody even notices. hell i only ahve two more days there 'till i go back to SSFM...and who knows what i'll be doing there. should keep me awake at least :) i've been learning how to do contours on the maps we've been drawing. all the shots that are taken in the field are put in the computer with a location and an elevation. initially, the computer takes all the elevations and guesses (using interpolation i think) what the contours look like. after that you have to go through the entire thing and find where the computer messed up and edit the lines using...various methods...i was figuring it out as i went...and so now that i got to the end of the road that means ihave to go back and fix all the shit i fucked up when i was first learning....tedious, but somehow engrossing. days have been going fast.

possibly night surfing tomorrow. i have to fix my board. i ddi quite possibly the STUPIDEST thing you can do with a surfboard. i forgot to strap it down to my roof when i left diamond head on...i think it was saturday night. i was in the middle of getting ready to go when i had to make a phone call and forgot about it...*shakes head*. so i start driving and hear a loud thump as it hits my trunk and tumbles to the side of the road. thank god the SIDE because a car was right behind me...that woulda' scared the shit outa' me if i were that guy....

but yeah, damage was much less than it could've been...but the resin i use cures with UV light, so i have to do it in the daytime....which poses a problem. i have another shitty board that's better for big waves anyway...i think i already mentioned that.

brought out my acoustic guitar for the first time since i've been home. i forgot how nice it sounds :) i got one with a cedar top. much softer and more fragile...but it has a really crispy sound (i use heavy strings)....bright sound. and that smell *sigh*. i think that guitar was probably the first really big purchase of my life (i got it junior year in high school). before that was only small stuff. good investment! damn...6 years...i should name her.

goodbye blue.


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