Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



i wanna start a band again. i finally started reguarly playing guitar...goddamn i suck. i always needed it LOUD in order to get into it and get in sync...unfortunately that's kind of hard when i usually get home at 8...done eating by 9....and yeah...can't be very loud. when i was at columbia i used the mixer portion of a 4-track tape recorder that christian gave me. the tape part was dead but the mixer electronics still worked reasonably well so i could route my computer or stereo into one channel, my guitar into another, and mix 'em out the headphones usually panning each to one ear, or mostly to one ear. i'm gonna be a fuckin' deaf paraplegic by the time i'm 50, i swear.

either way...yeah...need a mixer of sorts. i was thinking of getting one of those pandora boxes that emulate different amps. as far as i'm concerned, marshall is the only amp. i'm picky as hell when it comes to soundz, and marshall's are just BUTTA'. mesa boogie's are also pretty cool...but they're ridiculously expensive...i haven't had enough experience with them to compare them to marshall, though. one'a these days...when i actually have a place to really PLAY it....i'll go grab a marshall. nothin' ridiculous, just bigger than a practice amp, and not a head/cab setup....sound SO nice. i could get into the electronics...but right now i have to brush up on it. i'm pretty sure marshall uses distortion at the preamp AND postamp stage...i have to look at up again. unless someone out there is inclined to look it up FOR me so i can be a lazy ass....

but yeah, i wanna play. in a band. and scream a lot. and be really fuckin' loud. i swear, christian, when we were practicing every wednesday? that made my fuckin' week. it's like a two hour weekeend in the middle of the week. i'd look forward to it once the weekend ended. and then it was there! glad at least you got to keep up the rawk. i dug up your CD after listining to your new song (linked in the last spam mail you sent...). *sigh* i miss you guys. hello nurse kept getting better EVERY show i saw you guys! and hell i thought you guys sounded cool to begin with.

bounce bounce bounce bounce


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