a rare quiet moment with this dog. he's (i think) nine years and the little dude (okay not so little dude) almost never just chills out when we're around. always watchin' us...slightest movement or sound and he perks up and wants to know what's up. you have no idea how long i had to wait for him to calm down again after i stood up to get my camera....interesting thing, though. i realized a long time ago that he doesn't respond to the telivision, no matter what's goin' on. could be the biggest explosion or fuckin' lassie barking...nothing. i never really contemplated it 'till last night...my first whim way back when was that since it didn't smell, he knew it wasn't real or something...(he smells everything). but last i thought maybe he can just hear all the shit in the signal that we can't and knows it's comin' from a box a big boring box that smells like plastic and will never feed him or pet him....interesting. i'm gonna test it sometime if/when i get some kind of audio setup...try recording my voice at different bitrates/sample rates and see if he responds to it. like a highschool science project! or maybe that won't smell good either....

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