Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


i got two coments...awww....

and kix....c'mon. you KNOW you're gonna finish your thesis. come party. it'll be an early party. and then throw a party next weekend too, 'cause you have a suite. yes!

also finding some people i didn't think even cared about me reading this...hi there :) then there's the ones who would rather me not know that they're reading this. it is my penopticon, you are entitled ;) just make sure i don't call your bluff and mark you on something you wouldn't know otherwise....

don't worry, it prolly won't happen. but stop me if you don't want to hear a story twice.

hmmm....where am i. it's almost five am and i have a pset due in six hours...haven't started...don't really want to do it but i have a midterm in this class next tuesday. i'm feeling even more lazy now after being lazy for....oooh, twelve hours or so out of this ENTIRE WEEK. i suppose i'm lucky for that much and should get to work though....meh. where else am i. i dunno, i've been making a few more long-term decisions. i spent a good part of today organizing my money (what little money i have) and helping my dad start with financial aid, still thinking about jobs and such this summer....and i DO wanna go snowboarding before spring break. although we do have another winter storm heading our way...maybe i can still go after spring break.

had an interseting problem today...i couldn't find a fuckin' photo album anywhere. i found a few but they were all like 20-40 bucks for like, forty pockets. bullshit. soooo, i came back and went online and found these like, 200 pocket ones for 7 bucks each : ) score. six bucks tax, so for twenty bucks, 400 pockets, sounds good. i've got ten rolls developed sitting right here....and another spring break coming up (3-4 rolls of film in the past....)...so i think i could use the extra space. i actually have a friend with a scanner and at some point i'll post some on my homepage, keep an eye out. i'll bring them to the next ultimate party or something for the world to see (a few saw most of them already).

i'll stop babbling.

-but you're jess


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