Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


ahh, still wednesday. before i head off to mudd to continue trying to do horribly in every lab i've ever taken, i'm gonna continue my day-to-day of spring break. i'm still debating whether or not everyone wants to hear this, but i've gotten a few people interested *shrugs*

so, the tuesday-wednesday.
-i ended with me avoiding any sort of hygeine besides gracing the atlantic with my sweaty ass
-came back, warmed up, and ate the second largest plate of pasta ever
-we were eating with matt so it was fuckin' vegitarian, but austin had a meat stick that i proceeded to shave into my pasta
-i moped around being extremely full (i had a guinness with the monster pasta too)
-and thyen *drum roll*
-ROOKIE CHALLENGE!!!! (i'll leave the details to those who ask)
-so many drunk people....oddly enough though, i barely got buzzed this night. i don't know if it was because i was just really full, or because i just wasn't in the mood. i mean 'not in the mood' not being me being depressed or anything, i was just perfectly happy watching everyone else instead of running around like a headless chicken....like them.
-went to the beach 'cause someone wanted to attempt one of those pokey rings we did last year....didn't last long 'cause a bunch went to smoke pot, a bunch went in the water....
-trish and kelsey went swimming in their underwear, heh heh
-albert was just stupid drunk, but playing the part quite well
-keg stands...oooh....keg stands. i have such a hair trigger gag reflex...gimme the shots.
-the couch hookup, haha, ahh, ultimacest
-and two of my most hated movies: pootie tang and zoolander....this is where i got bored and went to bed

it's always interesting to me being the 'sober guy' at a party..it's really only happened about twice. i'm usually one to initiate the parties and try and get as many people drunk as possible...oh well. i guess it's a good experience to expand my horizons. for one thing the only alcohol in the house was that keg, which i really couldn't stand, and what was left of the jack daniels, which i felt like i should let the rest of the house drink since i'd already drank about half of it. my list gives the night no justice though, it was a wild and crazy night, with a large group of people doing weird dances trying to get everyone else to drink. god bless 'em : )

i did have a lotta fun, but not in the way i usually have fun at parties. for some reason everyone was just running everywhere. when i think back on it, i really do imagine a bunch of headless chickens. buncha' drunk sixth graders with ADD or something....like so many things happened in so many different places, and the groups were usually kinda spread out doing their own thing for af ew minutes, and then moving on. usually parties (especially in nyc or house parties) it's much more concentrated....like everyone in one or two rooms, besides the few actually gettin' some play (but you're jess...). i had a good time just...obvserving. hell, for fifteen years of my life that was almost the extent of my interaction with my peers. i enjoyed it then, i still enjoy it from time to time....

okey doke, off to mudd to do more work....god, why am i going to mudd at 9:15?


ctrl+x, y



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