Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


wow, last night turned into an AMAZING night. we were headed down to mcsorley's, but between subway delays, leaving late, the pub closing at one, and austin's need for a toilet, we didn't go to mcsorley's. instead we went to a pub near irving plaza that i've hit before called 'shades of green' and had a few guiness' from a bartender who spoke with an irish accent and knew that guinness needs time to fall : ) good shit.

around one a.m. we left and headed west to smalls, a great little jazz club. some dude i'd seen before was playing, but a half hour later they broke and after a break started a jam session. first there was this bald guy with a wedding band hittin' the bass pretty solidly, a skinny polish girl on the drums who just amazed the shit outa me (despite throwing me off a bit), and another woman with wild hair poundin' the ivory. it looked very weird, but it was nice. there was an old man named arnie who teleported in straight from the seventies who was a fuckin' god on the alto sax. his sax was leaking too, but that didn't stop him. that man knew music, and it was nice to hear him sing :) after they jammed for a bit, this quiet, unassuming japanese girl who'd been roamin' around sits at the trap and SHE could drum too! it was really cool. in my drunken state i was trying to imagine this polish girl and a japanese girl learning to intricate synchopated rhythms of jazz...and i couldn't do it. but i tapped my foot anyway.

for most of this time me and austin had been talkin' to a man named 'cody moffet' who struck up a conversation with me 'cause i looked 'like a player'. i told him i don't know how to play jazz i just love the music. turns out he's a fuckin' genius behind the drums (and a lefty drummer, i'd never seen that before)....he's the best drummer i've ever seen live. truly amazing. he was like a machine that made jazz faces. so hot. i also rarely like jazz guitarists, but there was one who i totally dug. instead of just playing lotsa fast scales like most (although it is impressive), this man could mix chords, melodies, harmonies, and crazy scales all together in such great balance. it was butter.

to make an already-pretty-long-story not too much longer (? hmmm), we walk outa smalls after plowing through three six packs of newcastle (after our two guiness' mind you) and stumble loud, DRUNK, and dumbfounded into the morning sunlight. i seriously thought it was like four or five or something, but no, we were underground in the smokey club until a bit after dawn. we caught a cab going the wrong way and made it back eventually, declining ideas of tom's or westway for breakfast. i come back and sleep for about nine hours, and austin goes to work and sleep sfor about three and a half hours....on his KEYBOARD at WORK because he thought it'd be useless to go home and then back to work in an hour and a half. apparently he made use of being the only guy in an empty building screaming his head off just to heaer his drunken self talk. ahhh, college.

an amazing night. and a startling reminder that i realy must make a point to drink some water. i seriously didn't put ANYTHING in my moth but beer for eight hours straight last night, and the nine hours i slept. needless to say i was really dehydrated and REALLY hungover (i'm still hangin' a bit).

it needs repeating: an amazing night.

because i'm better than you on a tuesday night : )


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