Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


starts with t.

so i thought i'd start blobbing again, 'cause tuesday starts with a t. although there it's not really tuesday.....well fuck you too.

i rather enjoy commenting on shit. especially since others have also been enjoying the comment systems we all so painstakingly installed....(it's actually pretty easy). don't worry, i'm taking no credit for the bustling of the blog community. i'm just happy to take part in it.

i imagine i would turn into a bit of a menace though :) remiscent of my perpetual posting on the newsgroup. good thing i stopped posting on that thing. now it's completely dead. for the first time in my life since i discovered it, i'm checking my mail without checking the newsgroup. fo' shame. and eric, don't worry, i was just pushin' your buttons, ill stop talking about it on your blog.

i'll talk about it on mine!

actually i won't. that night was a lot of fun, but unfortunately its memory is tainted for me.

we'll just have to have another one where candace isn't allowed to come :) and apparently we can't have it at eric's place since everyone's banned from his suite.

which means we'll have to get all the nakedness and orgies done before midnight when the remaining RA suites go under lockdown...you should know that our suite will be completley rigged with security surveillance...just so nobody steals our....um...um.... my movie collection! muahahaha. (i'll post a listo f my movies at some point...i'm close to certain that not many people will want....any of them.)

i went surfing at this sort of secret surf spot yesterday. it's a place called irma's that's the home of a very extensive reef system...popular for diving and spear fishing on calm days and a trecherous coastline of jagged reef and a`a (a very sharp lava rock). getting out and in are quite a feat...but i manged that. once i got out there though....jesus. it was really choppy, so it was a pain in the ass trying to read where the waves were gonna break....the danger being a break on my HEAD. that entire beachline (it's along the same coastline as sandy's) surges a lot. it goes up and down and in and out....meaning the current is insanely strong (i almost got dragged into the rocks) and when you're out there, you go up and down about six feet on RIPPLES. when a wave comes...it sometimes looks like it might build into a monster, and sometimes it'll disappear...sometimes it'll come through, but never as big as it looked. other times, something'll come out of NOWHERE and start rising on you...those are the scary ones. i only caught one wave out there...the wave i caught in. i didn't wanna stand up 'cause as you go closer in the reef gets more shallow (duh) so if i fell....i woudl've been cheese grated (what a visual...). needless to say, i was scared as fuck out there, but i'm pretty confident now that i pushed myself to do it.

oh, forgot to mention, there was no lifeguard, nobody on the beach, and ONE other guy bodyboarding who left before i did.

if nobody's around to hear you scream....

does it really make a sound?


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