music: alien ant farm - *shrugs*
volume: 5
warning: gratuitous bitching coming your way
well today was a complete FUCK. well..not completely. i'd say...after noon started the fucking. i actually managed to get a COMPLETED signals pset in...i don't think i've turned in ANY complete assignments this any class :) either way, after that, i was gonna come back and eat some and sleep some and go to mudd251 to do some preliminary stuff on my project. i slept. went to class, which wasn't bad, and then came back to eat, went on an ACIS ticket that SUCKED. some kid with xp home...and it's doing some really weird fuckin' shit...i can't figure out what it's doing. i have to talk to some peeps and the whole time i'm working this kid is watching over my shoulder chattering away. he kind of knew what he was talking about sometimes but i was just getting irritated and couldn't concentrate.
then i come back, fuck around a bit, and finally go out to 251 only to spend OVER an hour trying to log into my cisl account. see...there's this program i need called hspice which is a text based circuit cad program...which is only on the cisl suns. i could log into it fine a few weeks ago...not that i really remember the password but i seriously tried EVERYTHING that fuckin' password could've been...and i couldn't get in. WHAT a FUCKING FUCK. i was planning on being there 'till closing at one am...but yeah...instead i'm here. i can do some paperwork for it that'll make it go a LITTLE faster...but i'm gonna be really crunched for time in the next few days. i was going to be anyway...but i planned out how much time i think i needed and now i've lost FIVE hours of time i could've been working 'cause i DON'T KNOW MY FUCKING PASSWORD. this is a helplessless i just don't know how to handle. grr.... i think i'll eat some ice cream for starters. i feel like el bucho in desperado when he doesn't know the number to the cell phone in his car so they don't kill danny trejo (the knife thrower)...and then they kill trejo.
dude...they're gonna kill trejo. WHAT THE FUCK IS MY PASSWORD!!!!???//1!;A/A/S;DFJA;LSDKJLADSMNKM'P[WE
the ta's been emailed at least.
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