i just ordered a digital camera.
it's low quality and doesn't have a whole lotta options...but i really just want it for blogging and emailing and cheap storage of memories (that's an interesting phrase). i've developed film once in the past 5 years (10 rolls) and i think i have 7 rolls right now to develop. obviously i'm not too good at that.
the greatest thinga bout this thing is that it's waterproof "up to 5 feet"...interesting. i wonder what happens after five feet. i probably won't try it...all but about three of the places i surf are less than five feet deep anyway...over razor sharp reefs and spiny crustaceans (sp?)....haven't sliced myself open in a while...well...not on the ocean. i keep doin' it on the ultimate field.
but yeah, i like the ruggedness. for some reason hawaii's havin' a whole lotta rain. i like hiking in the rain. so now i can hike in the rain and take pictures.
and i really like making you (and you and you and you) jealous that i live in paradise.
with a full-time job.
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