i've realized that i have real problems paying for "services" in life. repairs, maintenance, all that shit, i can't stand paying someone to do a job....i dunno why. i think i've always abhored it but only realized it when i looked at my car repair bill and noticed that i was paying $88/hr!!! ridiculous. the final straw was a surf repair. i punched a hole CLEAN THROUGH tammy's board :( i'd taken my mom and brother out surfing but i didn't have a board at the time (busted) so i borrowed tammy's baby. i took off on this wave and weaved between my mom and brother who were, of course, chilling next to me in the water. unknowing to me the wave caught my mom backwards and she and her board were tumbling in the water next to me. i tried to veer away from her but only succeeding in wiping out...our leashes got tangled and i was dragged by my leash (attached to her 9'7" longaboard) until the wave let go...and i came to to find that my mom's skeg had punched a hole clean through tammy's board.
i felt so horrible. either way...i offered to either fix it or pay for it and she decided to get the shaper to repair it and he just filled the hole with resin...which i could've done. i don't blame her for the decision but i was kinda bummed that was all he did (i/we thought he would at least put a chunk of foam in). then what REALLY bummed me was last week when we went to ehukai in some 3-5ft. north shore surf and she got hit by a heavy wave and her board buckled right at the repair, cracking around it and delaminating it across the deck. studying it...i don't think he bothered to glass across the repair, just on top of it. which sucks even more.
soooooo when i found myself with no keys for my car. i decided to fuck the locksmithing services, i'm gonna do it myself. fuck laziness. fuck convenience. fuck uncomfortable...ness. i'm realizing a trend i started subconsciously a long time ago...i don't like paying for services. if there's something i can learn how to do, i'd much rather do that because that's just one more thing i'll never have to pay for. so far, i haven't paid a dime for a single surfboard. the only one i got new was bought for me for a birthday/christmas present from my brother. all the others are peoples' rejects that i decided to fix...and doing that has taught me how to fix boards *shrugs*. that's a lotta saved money. and it cost me $30 in supplies to get three unrideable boards fixed and fix any dings i get on my other boards. maybe it's a pride issue. i dunno. or i'm just fuckin' cheap. i'll let you be the judge. either way, i enjoy it.
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