Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


good weekend

damn, i managed to do a lot this weekend. friday...i was ABOUT to go home at lie, 2pm but ended up passing an old friend on the road and talking through open windows at a stop light...ended up at a bar for a bit. went to a movie with mom, back to the same bar with same friend plus more friends, went to ala moana with moani and met up w/ david, jessica and jordan...ended up at a late movie...got home late.

saturday woke up late, helped set up jessica's surprise party, chill party and bowling afterwards. got home really late.

sunday...got 4 hours of sleep and forced myself up to go play some ultimate. felt good! ate a burrito and played some bocce ball with rogers, bergen, and chris smith. first time playing without a pumpkin...good shit. then surfed for three and half hours...god i almost fell asleep at 8pm but decided that was sacrilege. managed to push it to 11pm...i haven't gone to sleep that early since high school...

and here's monday, all my muscles are sore, but my knee is perfectly fine and my back is feeling better than it usually does...feeling good about that. glad to get my body moving again...i'm outa' shape.



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