Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


if you were a tool, what oriface....ahem. what?

so added to the list of things i CAN'T do drunk: rollerblade.

especially when it's in front of a bunch of cop cars looking for drunk drivers. i'm not really sure what they could charge me with but yeah, rollerblading across the street inches away from smashing my head into a guy pole probably doesn't fare well. bumps in the road mean a LOT more when i'm drunk...usually i can compensate just fine. the world was not made for rollerblade wheels.

amazingly i managed not to fall all night. IMPRESSIVE. the only times i've ever fallen in the past....i'd say 8 years....was twice in new york. once when i was WALKING on rollerblades up a curb...and there was a huge crack in the sidewalk that i tripped on and fell on a knen. weak.

the other time i fell was trying to rollerblade down a steel kiddie slide that was...maybe 6 feet high. i made it to the bottom fine but the angular momentum imparted upon me by the curve at the exit threw my legs into a rotation around my torso and threw my feet out from under me putting me hard on my ass from about 3 feet up. that hurt.

turns out i can probably blade to a shuttle stop and get to my buidling in about th same time it takes to drive and find a parking spot.

oh and hey, so my recent supertolerance has lately had the welcomed effect of preventing me from ever getting a hangover. how cool is that! justt means i have to have dinner after partying.... *chews beef jerky....*.

i'm done.


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