Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


dude....my alcohol tolerance is gettning far too high. i mean shit, i dramk for most of tonight and i get home with a bit of a buzz is all. it's not the cold is it? i feel like i'd probably have to take about three shots BEFORE i go out to actually stay drunk. damn. that'll get expensive.

whatever, at least tonight was with good company. thanks karen ;) (btw, that's not the ultimate karen, this is the karen from maui). good times, good times. but i kinda miss thte nights where i come home and can't read the newsgroup, so i decide to post my own since my fingers don't see double (i.e. i don't have to see what i'm typing). i'm sure at least some people out there remember the days of the drunken rufio posts.

highlights of my life man.....love 'em.

i'll see if i can get that going sometime.

'night world


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