Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


mmm...five am, winter league at noon. we played poker tonight but for some reason the cards were SO dead. weird. for the second night in a row though, i lost 5.65. also weird.

i need a girlfriend so i stop losing money....haha. of course that'll prolly just cost more. alright i need a girlfriend with few needs who will sit around being useless and watch anime with me (never going to happen)....which i borrow from my friends (liu, austin, chang, thanks) 'cause i'm too damn cheap to buy 'em myself. speaking of not having money, i also didn't go into work today (they didn't need me) so instead of getting up at like nine am, i woke up at THREE THIRTY in the afternoon. so much for starting my homework before sunday night.

for some reason i've been feeling very...reluctant to try anything new. i've been falling into the same daily routines (read: time-wasting-tactics), talking to the same people, shit i've even been listening to the same four cd's and the same winamp playlist for i don't know how long. i think i need a kick in the ass to knock me out of this comfort zone 'cause i haven't really been able to do it myself.

wanna kick me in the ass?

i mean strictly in a not-phsyical kicking type of way.

i'm really dissappointed that when i finally setup a dream blob, i haven't been remembering my dreams....fuckin' lame man. why don't you tell me YOUR dreams then?

crapulent gummy bears


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