Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


so today turned into a long fucking day (it's 5am tuesday and i just finished my pset). early class after staying up late doing a pset for it, worked on a lab writeup, ate some hammies, went to lab, watched some anime, went to cottage, ate a lot, told chang to shut the fuck up numerous times (pre-21st b'day party), watched as chang got too drunk to make it to his birthday (circa 9:30pm), dragged chang back to his room, put garbage can next to bed.

then i went to the west end with karen. i didn't really want to drink more 'cause i had a pset to do, but she said she'd buy me a guinness and i can't pass that up (girls, take note). so i got back rather healthily buzzed (mmm...boxed cottage wine...), took an hour nap, started, and just finished my filters pset. madness.

hope chang's alive (i don't think he reads this gibberish), but i don't expect him to go to many classes tomorrow....not like that's a big difference.

good, productive day even in the clutches of bad alcohol, i love it.

and don't worry, i won't get into the habit of typing how my day went. sometimes it's just interesting to look back. i was thinking back to this morning and that seems SO long ago....and only a one hour nap in all of that. now tomorrow, i COULD get up in less than four hours for class...or i could skip it and sleep 'till about 3:30pm.

do the math

i'm gonna watch some anime and skip this class for the third time in a row : )

talk to me


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