Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


so it's thursday. i still have a pset due at 5pm tomorrow. and i'm going to small's again :) hopefully not for a repeat of two weeks ago with austin, that was just stupid great. this is actually for jazz class, we have a concert report due on tuesday. managed to get a rather healthy crew to join too *shrugs* good deal.

i also turned in my first COMPLETE assignment this week in!!! wee!!! me and chang did great on our electronics prelab...cool shit when it works out. we made a ring oscilator. it's a circuit that, when given an impulse (an abrupt peak that disappears) it proceeds to oscillate on it's own. it's pretty cool. this was all synthesis though, software. we'll probably make it on monday though.

aight, off to get NEKKID...muahahah.



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