Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


studied straight for about seven hours...very proud of myself. doing math and tech shit...it starts getting to you. before i started i'd had two cups of coffee, and now my jaws hurt from clenching my teeth 'cause i get really tense when i study tech. very weird, but yeah, it happens. afterwards, like now, i MUST DRINK A BEER. it's unavoidable. i'm actually kinda hungry too, but i'm too lazy for any of that.

Anchor Porter, San Fransisco, good beer.

an interesting little pop duo has been poppin' their head up in the great U S of A. anyone ever hear of a group called Tatu? i'm pretty sure they're polish, but i could be wrong, and i'm also too lazy to look that up. i wasn't lazy enough to download some of their videos off kazaa though..definately a language i've never heard in a song before...that i remember. nonetheless, the basis (i think) of their newfound fame on this big rock we call home is the fact that the two lead chicks keep makin' out all the time. it's great.

i'm not saying it's great because i enjoy watching these two make out, really. they're not that hot, they're not ugly either though. they can't really sing too well, they just put a lotta cool effects on simple melodies (techno poppish). i'm saying it's great because it shows how fucking stupid americans are :) before you get offended, i don't mean you. i mean the people that are making these two famous. i'm not even mad at them for exploiting it, i think it's fucking GREAT that they're exploiting all the stupid motherfuckers in america. if i could, i would too, but i'm not a lesbian nor do i speak polish. i think it would even MORE amazing if they were just tooling america and in a month, they're gonna come out and say they're not really gay. or they'll be caught by poperazzi (sp?) makin' out with justin timberlake backstage at the vma's.

i hate society.

so yeah, MOST of two psets done, they should both be finished tomorrow, and my studying for signals midterm should ensue. good start, let's see if it continues.

and all that gibberish in the past two posts...i've just had a lot in my head lately, it's nothing to worry about.

"holy mary mother of god..." *ship sails in the distance*
-name it

i wanna dance. i heard gatecrasher was at Arc this past weekend...it's a really good thing i didn't know it was there because i probably would've gone, gotten home at about 8am this morning, and slept 'till....now.

i'm done.


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