Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


damn, what a great night. i got drunker than i've been in like, two years man! tequila on to rum on to whiskey. yeah, i wasn't in too great shape by the end of the night but i had quite a riot. thanks to everyone who came and made it a party :) i was getting worried nobody was coming for a little while, yeah, i was completely wrong. sweetness. of course now my head hurts and i'm going out to play some ultimate.

you'd think i'd settle down once in a while, but no. i'm an animal. i also have to spend more time on that computer prelab i was doing..suck suck suck. maybe tomorrow, we'll see. i at leasat think i'm gonna stay away from the booze tonight. two nights in a row is a bit much. and a very interesting two nights at that......

peace all


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