toldja i'd be back
i just got through watching "nightmare on elm street 2: Freddy's Revenge". hahaha. i'm going to get 'em all eventually (two down). i really have a knack for them for some reason *shrugs* for one thing (as i may have mentioned before) it's only one of two movies that have given me nightmares (i was kinda young), the first one to be exact. the other movie is ''jacob's ladder" which i also own. that one's just one long nightmare, freaky.
either way, i was talking to austin, and for some reason he's taken to trying to pick out movies that he feels like i should have (according to my taste) and half the time he's just dead wrong. for instance, today, he recommended that sixteen candles should be in my collection (we were talking about the cusack family), and i thought about it, but realized that i didn't really want sixteen candles...most because it was too popular :) wait long enough and it'll be on tnt or usa or something right?
my philosophy (most of the time), and drew at least remembers this from an early, early blob of mine, is to buy movies that are old, outdated, unpopular, and unlikely to be found in ANYBODY else's collection :) i only loosely adhere to this, but there are some movies from my childhood that nobody i know has heard about, but i love. for example, here's my dvd list thus far...most people look at it and kind of loose interest halfway through....
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
Neverending Story
Big Trouble in Little China
Desperado/El Mariachi
Nightmare on Elm Street
Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Jacob's Ladder
Stand By Me
Not Another Teen Movie
L.A. Confidential
a rather eclectic mix, i might admit. kind of hard to get a gauge on what kind of movie i like (although some have described it as simply 'bad'). i really do like obscure eighties movies....i don't know how i saw some of them the first time, but it's like that favorite toy you had when you were little. no matter how stupid, childish, and unappealing to any older child seeing it for the first time, it was a part of your childhood that you will never forget. for the past two years or so (right after i really started getting into college) i've really be striving to hold on/reclaim my childhood for some reason. i guess it's kind of a natural progression (regression?) for some....getting old, trying to resist the rip tide.....bah.
*sigh* a stimulating weekend, and another pretty shitty week approaching....
-but you're jess (i got one of those again today. i hatechoo kix)
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