Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


my life this week is going to be absolute hell...so of course i'm going be taking all kinds of weird 5-15 minute breaks to visit my crapmachine here and blob every fucked up idea that comes to my head trying to edge me closer and closer to insanity while slowly decaying my educational prowess.


midterm, big pset (big), prelab....i estimate about eight hours' work for each of those maybe (including minor brain farts, and perhaps what's less of one is more for another). doesn't sound like much, last one due at 5pm thursday...but....yeah....it's quite a lot.

and i got my first lead on 'something to do' at home this summer....apparentlly there's a sony hawaii and my bro just met a girl who's friends with the president. yay for hookups! (again).....

stay tuned

but you're jess!


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