Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


mental masturbation

mmm....masturbating my ego....always fun (messageboard). thanks christian ; ) always there to put me in my place, old fart.

well, i'm officially addicted to blogs. i'm really just a bump on the road in this plane we call real life....i go to school, i sit at my computer, i play some sports, i eat a lot, i sleep a lot, and i sit at my computer. my room's pretty much a shoebox, so i either sit here or on my bed....but yeah. i have a list of 'buddy blobs' that i check at least three times a day....sometimes going two or three days without finding a new post in ANY of them. i've also started a 'random blogs' list that are just blogs i enjoy reading...so far all in nyc (3). they're all very personal ones that are kind of along the lines of mine posting 'everything'. i was talking to skarfin about this last night i think, but it's interesting just to see how different people deal with having public exposure at their fingertips. some people (like me) just take it as an opportunity to let my mind wander and my mouth (fingers) follow and document it. others, however, use it as a chance to just try and be interesting (often succeeding) by posting interseting links and pictures....can be fun, but i can surf for myself if i really just wanna find a picture of a cow stuck through a car windshield.

the personal ones are like...a reality show that hasn't sold out i guess. these people just tell you about their lives, and leave you to make the judgement. they have little motivation to lie, really, because they can simply leave it out, and nobody will ever know. some of them don't even have contact information, so the stalker-factor all but vanishes....it's just an outlet i guess. i like it that way. i don't see why anyone would ever wanna stalk me, so i don't really care about giving out rather tell-tale information about myself, and it's mostly friends that read it anyway *shrugs*. more power to them. i think i lost my train of thought....a bit.....

classtime anyway...

the random will rule.


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