Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


mmm...i didn't like being around candace tonight. this crawling presence at the back of my mind, the corner of my eye, standing right behind me, but not.....

god i hate that feeling.

good thing the food was good and the company was plentiful. my onions smell like nasty onions. those onions i bought were really cheap, but getting kinda soft. i've never had this problem before of my fingers smelling nastily of partially digested onions or something...it's not very pleasant. i keep thinking it's my breath after i just brushed AND mouthwashed but no, it's my fingers. only my left hand too (holding w/ left, cutting w/ right). weirdness. and now i have a nice large tupperware full of chicken curry...mmm....i'm gonna bring it tomorrow for breakfast/lunch. sai's bringin' that extra roll of bread too. it should be nice. probably beats my breakfast of champions ;) redbull and skittles baby. maybe i'll go get some redbull....west side deosn't have anythough.

also, my comments aren't working for some reason, wassup witdat?

not like i ever get any....


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