so, this weekend turned into quite a great weekend....good fun all around. thursday night, after getting free dinner with the EE department at the faculty house i spent like, six hours in mudd doing some ugly computer shit...that didn't work...then i went to amcaff and drank...FAST. i had quite a lotta beer before they finally kicked us out. i was bored and not tired yet, and neither was london and amanda so we came back to my place to watch a movie. london visited duke and liu, but eventually, somehow, she AND amanda ended up staying over in my tiny little college bed....*shrugs* i didn't think we could fit but it worked...(panotpicon, panopticon, heh heh). 'fore you get your hopes up, nothin' happened, but it was still really weird. i told them they were welcome as long as they didn't bite ;) and indeed they didn't.
friday comes along, and i spend a few more hours doing that damn lab....with no luck. in the evening i meet up with austin and we make some swanky frankies :) get a hot dog, wrap it in cheese, wrap it in bacon, anchor it with toothpicks, and fry the shit out of it. jesus christ, heart attackes in the palm of your hands....amAZING. but very tasty. couldn't eat more than two in a night though....
either way, we made them for the pupu party which turned out to be UNREAL. first we downed the bottle of tequila, then the bottle of rum, with some pina coladas floating around too, and then we tanked the bottle of whiskey....we were animals. this was on top of something like fifty beers, maybe. we cleaned the place out of alcohol....then we went to amcaff! haha. this is where my memory disappears. making al ong story short....i puked in a bus boy bin at amcaff, got walked home by liu and rachel (puking once more right outside) and passed out for about six hours. woke up at noon, played pickup at one with corey, rachel, berger, vix, graham, sai, eric, lawrence....that's it. we had nine, playing fours at riverside, so much fun :) wandered through the street fair, chilled on the steps, good times. saw the varsity show that night, good music, but not-as-great humor as before, i had fun. roamed around, watched stargate with eric, slept at five, woke up at seven thirty and played MOORE ULTIMATE!
mom called so i got sidetracked, so i'll finish this, ultimate was a lotta fun : ) had enough guys for sevens and my back held up for most of the time. i don't wanna mess it up this close to sectionals so i stoppped as soon as my back started up.
well, tonight i get to study for my midterm in electronics tomorrow....WEEEE! heh heh. yeah, not so fun, but i've been keepin' up, shouldn't be too bad....depending on when i actually start studying......fuck
toodles and calamari
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