holy shit, i unfucked myself. I FINISHED. it worked, i did everything required...except i had twenty minutes to put it all together and 'write it up' which turned into an awful'write up' if i could even call it a 'write up', hence the quotes. i'm hoping my prof will concentrate on my content, instead though because i did do everything required....
and promptly crashed and slept for twelve hours. i would've liked to go out, get drunk and THEN crash for twelve hours (or more), but no love.
i'm going to get breakfast now. eggs and corned beef hash...mmm...smothered in ketchup. there's something beautiful about runny egg yolkes and ketchup mixing together in a cocophony love.
which reminds me of a great dish i know. it's a local hawaii thing, i have no idea why, but it's called a 'loco moco'. you get a hamburger steak (it's really just a hamburger with all kinds of goodies in it, but we like calling them steaks) on rice, with two fried (key: runny) eggs on top, DROWNED (key: drown the muthafucka) in gravy, and then garnished with ketchup. it really is a spectacular meal, and cheap too. i've made it a few times for the Fuck Princeton Eating Club (my eating email list i compiled last semester for food get-togethers at low costs) and i've gotten good reviews. i should do that again sometime before the end of the semester.
aight, food time
talk to me
come undone
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