so i was kinda curious and decided to start reading about red bull. of course a good place to start is but that site's kinda useless.....cute...but useless. i actually wrote them an email asking if there were some way i could get it cheaper if i buy large quantities. i'll keep you posted on how that goes ; ) i'm gonna have a redbull and vodka party if it works out. i also found some weird online liquor store selling a case of redbull and a bottle of smirnoff for 34 pounds...i don't know what that is in bucks, but i think it's still close, and a bottle of smirnoff is usually like fifteen bucks i think, and there's 24 cans in a i think that's a pretty fuckin' good deal. too bad i'm at home right now *shrugs*.
either way, there was a little scare a little while ago when three dead guys were found (on seperate occasions) dead after recently drinking redbull. the details were sketchy and ultimately death-by-red-bull was ruled out. there was another article about the 'dehydrating effects' of a redbull and vodka. there was no mention of the dehydrating effects of...alcohol. or the urine-dam-busting power of an 8.3oz. shot of caffeine. i love news. ass holes. they're lucky there are so many stupid people in the world to buy their bullshit and not think for themselves. i hate that shit.
either way, i haven't been drinking much red bull lately (lately being this past YEAR) 'cause it really is just expensive. i've just been drinking lots of coffee since a 5 dollar pound of coffee and a free coffee machine (thanks austin) meant all the caffeine i needed for the rest of the year. i do love redbull though, 'cause it tastes like liquid nerds...and it's great to wash skittles down. some of my best nights were started with a redbull and vodka 'cause the vodka seems to just shoot all that caffeine straight to your fuckin' head man. SWEET. i usually seem to forget to drink water anyway in the course of a drinking night, so fuck any comments i'd have on that. it just keeps me up a long time : ) i remember this one time at a party up at christian's apartment, i shared a can of redbull with kix (w/ vodka) and she left early with all the other wimpy girls while i stayed and christian, billbert, lightshow and i saw the sun rise on the roof. later the next day makiko IM's me that she came back, everyone went to sleep, and she was up all her room...watching the sun slowly light up some brick wall out her window. poor schmuck : ) shoulda' stayed and partied. i hatechoo kicks.
given my bouts of stomach ailments i've at least decided to go a BIT easier on my stomach in these coming years. mainly, i'm planning on just drinking more water. drink a red bull....drink lots of water. drink some absynth, drink lots of water. drink a half bottle of tequila....drink lots of water. damn. i've gotta get my hands on some absynth.
i'm gonna go get some red bull before the next time i go surfing.
i'm gonna go get high on the idiot box.
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