Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



i wonder how i can be so hungry for a warm body to hold on to, and yet so reluctant to start anything. i'll save the sap talk tonight, but just thought i'd mention it. i was having a talk with my sister about how hard it is to break up with someone sometimes....

i'm curious to see what next year will be like for a number of reasons. for one, it'll be a year with three of my best friends at columbia. we'll all be twenty one. we'll all be seniors....yowsa. i'm going to be working more next year (for money) so hopefully that'll open the door for a bit of financial progress for me (this summer sure isn't gonna do it), my sister will be in the city along with brad, her boyfriend (he's a cool guy, fun to hang out with), my brother will be about an hour away in princeton, NJ....he's taking up snowboarding....and he has a car : ) oh baby baby, we're hittin' that shit HARD.

what else...i dunno. new class of freshmen girls! yeah, like that'll make a difference. in case you don't follow, i have an aversion to younger girls (sorry girlies). mostly it has to do with me feeling like i'm taking advantage of them *shrugs*. wouldn't want an unfair advantage now would i.

i spend a lotta time alone when i'm in hawaii. i stay up late, i surf alone, i get a lottta time to think about shit...even more than i do at school since i'm never really stressed about anything (i might have a job coming soon). this is why i left hawaii in the first place : ) i get really lazy and fall into that kind of stagnant crapulence forcing me to overthink all these rhetorical questions i have going through my head....

i should keep more duct tape around.


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