Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



long, long two days. but sent some good time taking my mom out with the rest of my friends. saturday i filled the van with people to go hiking...ended up getting home at 11:30 (not from hiking) at night. today we went up to north shore, again filling the van, with some returnees, some newbies. again, returning at 11:30pm. good shit, more later.

one thing, however....in loose response to austin's blog post but probably would've been realized anyway. in two days i took out six people, and seven people (one being my mom in both) and i realized that i really do like getting people together...but part of the reason is 'cause i really just like BRINGING people together....and i get very curious to see the group dynamic. i have a lotta friends all over the place in hawaii...friends for different reasons. only recently have i been mashing them together 'cause we're all more mature and are much more apt to mix than we used to be in high school. before i'd have to pick which 'set' i'd go out with, although usually it was just the band geeks. oddly enough, i don't hang out with any of those people anymore...it's all the other friends i was like, friends in school with but rarely hung out with. odd. but yeah, i like just getting people together and watching....also in the end there aren't a whole lot of people i can spend extended amounts of time with one on one. back to my trouble finding a good woman ;)

yeah, it is kind of stressful sometimes, but, unlike austin, i find more pluses than minuses in that. and austin's a lazy fuck:) eric's a lazy fuck too, but he puts a whole lotta effort into gatherings as i do...interesting. and sorry, eric, but you are indeed a lazy fuck :)


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