i'm so proud of a habit i recently picked up. first of all, i almost never wear underwear when i wear surf shorts. and for durability and comfort issues i wear surf shorts for ultimate. you can ponder on your own whether the chicken or the egg came first.
either way, the greatest thing about surf shorts is the speed in which they dry...so recently instead of stinking up my surf shorts and waiting to do laundry, i just jump in the shower with them and wash it with body soap. i mean...i'm washing the same shit off my body as i will from the ass crack of my surf shorts...so body soap should do the job. and then i throw the surf shorts out my window and they smell as good as a newly showered jess and dryer than my hair in half an hour.
this means that i am now invincible for maybe as long as two months at a time....if your definition of invincible is the ability to avoid doing laundry of course....
good words christian, i'll comment on it later but i'm too tired. side note though, i agree with all but the 'personal' part. the fact that it was originally a prison scheme has nothing to do with inmates being simply afraid to dig under the a wall or masturbate with an audience....it was because being in the eye of everyone around you at any given time MAKES you consider the thoughts of others...and ALL others. therefore the personal morals that are projected unto others are the morals that that particular person believes to be the morals of the society as a whole....in the prison case, other inmates and the world who condemned them. in foucalt's case, the society that whoever lives in. the stipulation must be made, however, that everyone must be in the panopticon, which is why, as you said, i can't have mine.
...that was too much thinking...and i don't think it made much sense either.
ultimate was great, albeit swilly...the frosh are learning a bit better how not to clog though. i think we have to 1) do the go-to drill regularly, and 2) curse the fuckin' SHIT out of them when they clog.
rest==>movie?==>pset==>pset? i should get some good sleep tonight....
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