after getting home from chang's (doing pset...i have no book) around 4am, i, of course, layed down to watch some tv. the first thing i found that caught my attention was 'perfect strangers'!!! i was so happy, i hadn't seen that show in like ten years or something. the funniest thing was that i stopped on that channel because the intro theme was familiar....funny how memory works sometimes....either way it was such a cute show. balki got his heart broken by some dumb bimbo using him. it was kinda sad, but always something happier in the end. ahh...the eighties.
after that i was flipping channels again and stopped on IFC, a channel i stop on often. of course this time i stopped 'cause some girl was asking another girl 'do you want to sleep with me?' always fun. either way, i end up watching this movie and one of the lesbian girls looks like kim cattrall, mia kirshner is a psychic dominatrix, and greg from 'dharma and greg' is a gay actor/waiter. the movie's called Love & Human Remains. i really enjoyed it :) got the girl in love with the gay guy, the lesbian in love with her, the serial killer in love with the gay guy, the dominatrix just...being hot...and a teenage busboy who adores greg as's a really twisted story...rather disturbing, but i always like those. i almost changed the channel like four times....just kind of being a little uncomfortable (homosexualism, sexuality, morals, killing....all rolled up into one visual fatty), but sometimes those are the things i enjoy the most.
i once quietly decided to myself that i'm never comfortable unless i'm a little uncomfortable. i like keeping my mindmoving. i like being thrown off balance a little....when i get too comfortable i either get lazy...or i get scared that i should be doing more. doesn't happen very often...but hawaii's good for that. i'm definitely NOT balanced right, ghosts, women, post-school, family, friends, health, money.....nothing seems to be 'settling''s all kind of out there for me to tie down.
but yeah....very cool movie :) not that any of you will ever see it, nor have ever heard of it. but hey, it's 5:30am and i'm fuckin' happy about it, so HAH.
why the fuck am i still up you might ask?
yeah, ask.
*shakes head* goodnight
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