haven't really written a real blob in quite a while now....and most other bloggers i know have been kinda dead as well. i was really curious at the beginning of this past summer what would become of my blob...but as it got into the summer....i found that i still enjoyed writing even though not as many, and sometimes no people were reading it. i still had a bunch of regulars though....andi still tried subtle and ultimately vain attempts at getting comments. i guess i should just be happy with the comments i do get *sniffle*
either way, lot's been happening lately. my classes are mostly interesting, all except data structures which is going to just be the fly in my life this year. i don't wanna learn how to code again....ugh. but yeah, the rest are cool. be a shitload'a work, but interesting nonetheless. we're finally getting into more 'application' type stuff that i can actually see using in a real job. i'm pretty psyched for that instead of all the theoretical bullshit i only understand on paper.
lately though, school hasn't been on my mind all THAT much. i've been really enjoying hanging out with all my friends lately, and our first REAL day of ultimate was absolutely amazing. despite the rain and the humidity and the jelly in my legs i call muscle....it was a great day. it was nice to get back out there. i don't have to worry about my back NEARLY as much as i used to, which is such freedom. coach bill really wanted me to learn how to handle....so i was doing that a lot. absolutely horrible at first....but even by the second game i was improving a lot. i'd still rather be a mid...but these are good things to practice even for that position.
our party last night was really all i hoped it would be. i had a great time, and from what i hear others did as well. i'm very happy with that. i was worried about space concerns but people branched into my room relieving some of the clogging (clear out! clear out!) and opening up someplace to just chill without the non-stop bouncing of quarters echoing in my head all night. i also realized that this will give me the opportunity to play more music that i like at a party :) not a bad deal. i really gotta get my computer fixed or get a new one or something so i can watch dvd's while the rest of the world watches football, simpsons, futurama, seinfeld.....the list goes on. i don't know what it is but i've been turned off to so many tv shows that other people love lately....i don't think i could be THAT subconsciously rebellious but i have yet to figure out why these things bother me. i'll get back to you on that....(riiiight).
in my normal 'mass email' blogs i'd insert the ten or twenty paragraphs about women...but i'm going to practice a little discretion (i think restraint is a better word) for a little while longer ;) dont' worry. the bitch blobs will return...eventually. they always do.......
i'm very happy :)
natty ice.
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