Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



so i've been gone from columbia for thirty six hours since nine thirty in the morning on saturday...starting out to help christian move from his place in washington heights out to east williamsburg....then i helped my sis move some stuff into the same place 'cause she's subletting from christian, then i went outsia to princeton nj to chilll with my brother. we went to this woman's house....toshiko takaesu, a VERY famous potter who originated from hawaii. my brother became freinds wither her through our high school president. very interesting chain of events, but this woman is so cool. she's so famous she doesn't even try and sell her pots anymore, it's great.

then we went to dinner at penang, this GREAT malaysian restaurant. the waitress was HOT. that's always good. then i cam back up for mary's suite's party....in themiddle of which i went with chang and some others to go to amcaff with chang's dad. haha, funny guy. chang makes a little bit more sense now :) but not THAT much more....

so now i'm here...drunk....actually not drunk but very close to. i would like to be more drunk but i think i'm still too full from dinner to drink more. at the moment i finishing the remnants of a hammie's frome like..three days ago. i just needed something in my mouth. we ended up at the heights eventually where only me and chang were drinking....meh. i really don't understand people who 'agree' to come out...but then come to a bar and don't drink. is that enjoyable? perhaps i should try it sometime and find out for myself....or just assume that it sucks and continue drinking at places that i know.

a lot of interesting conversations happened tonight...but i can't remember them all 'cause i've been hyper since i went out (and all my lazy suitmates came IN as i was leaving). onew that stands out most, however, was one with eric and don about me DUMPING candace yet still being irritated by her dating a friend. i asked don how he would feel if i dated one of his x's...and he said he seriously wouldn't give a shit. then i asked eric how he would feel if i'd fucked mary....and he said that he wouldn't care about mary at all after that......at which point i started thinking....and remembered that when matt first told me that he'd been hookin' up with candace.....i didn't THINK i'd care. but after it sunk in...i couldn't stop thinking about it and it festered inside me like a fuckin' ulcer or something-just-as-hideous. i really thought i would be okay with it......but after a while i realized that wasn't the case. oh well...not like that would've changed the situation anyway.....

i hate being depressive. i'm gonna talk about happy stuff.

i'm not registered for classes and i have no swipe access to the dorms. haha! i'll register on tuesday.....



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