Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


foxwoods casinos

today raj drove me and liu up to foxwoods casinos in connecticut to meet eric and his brother edward. it took us like four fucking hours to get there.....after it took raj an hour and a half to do a trip that took 25 min. last night to pick us up this afternoon.....ugh. poor guy. it was a pretty brutal trip out there but when we got there it was really cool. i hung out for a while while eric played, then raj went in, and i went in a bit later. liu decided not to attempt his brother's ID because he didn't wanna fuck shit up.

eric put down 40, then 20 more (total 60) and left with 5 bucks (-50), raj put down 40, went above 100! and came back down to 38 or something (-2). i went in with 40 as well, went down more than twenty on the first hand (it was juicy), went up to 58 (+18), down to 3 (-37) back up to 25, and finally that fizzled out to my final 0 (-40). i had a lot of fun, actually. for my first time, i'm very happy with how long that money lasted me. one day maybe i'll learn to quit while i'm ahead ; ) almost the entire time i was playing my heart was pounding like a jackhammer. gut wrenching, nerve racking and scary as shit. just the way i like it :) anytime i had hand i felt like my entire body was beating with my heart. i tried as hard as i could to keep my hands still and/or hidden. adrenaline. at least i found away to get a rush that WON'T endanger my already-broken-twice backbone.....

whatever, we'll go back sometime. 'till then it's nickels, dimes and quarters....except when we perhaps get adventerous and do some 1-2 dollar bets on hold'em nights. i'd probably be in for that.

all in all, a great day. it was a lotta fun. besides the riding....because on the way back, there was this span of freeway about....4-5 exits long that had ONE FUCKING LANE that was all backed up for 'road work' that wasn't happening. ass holes. the entire stretch, which took about half an hour, consisted of two cops probably whacking off, one dude alone in a crane smoking a cig, and two guys cutting holes in the pavement. it sucked so bad. and then there was an accident before the GW bridge that ate up another shitload of time and aggravation. i feel so bad for raj....who had to go drive home afterwards, too. but we did learn that we can have a LOT of fun there, but we just really shouldn't go on a weekend :) we'll be set.

and tomorrow's burger's bbq! mmmm....turning into a good weekend.



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