Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



still haven't done anything :)

but that's not the point. the point is i wanted to show some of my procrastination! kind of a random finding but i have a friend named may-li who was looking to start a blog so she was looking through possible names of her blog. she checked mayli.blogspot.com to see if it was taken only to find that it was quite an interesting blog. i do suggest you read all like...ten posts she's actually written but this post i thought was just the greatest :) she likes to document her sexual escapades which is always fun, but on top of that there's something about her writing that just makes it enjoyable. too bad she didn't blog more. (hasn't blogged since may).

either way, for some procrastination of your own *smiles*. that one post just has so much truth in it...granted i'm as celibate as a monk (and offers an explanation as to why of course).

and more procrastination...a friend of mine was at another friend's upstairs and after six weeks of her ethernet working she decided to ask me for some help. ironically she has the same piece of crap computer i'm typing on right now (borrowed from ACIS, compaq presario 1200). either way, i plug it in and AIM comes on and she hates me. probably her jack, i'll check it later.

either way, this is the girl that i 'never really gave a chance' that i mentioned before; ana. most beautiful blue-gray eyes. i don't THINK she reads this...if she does she hasn't told me although she has checked it before. it was nice talking to her. after her computer worked we ended up talking for quite a while....and when she left i shook (what a funny looking word) my head laughing that somewhere in the middle of that i was missing her and wondering...just wondering....

i mentioned her breifly a few days ago i think but just to recap, we 'dated' i guess for something around two weeks but i think around that time i was still burning up about seeing candace again (this was a little over a year ago) when she came back to nyc after the summer...andi just really couldn't bring myself to let ana any closer...so i broke it off very prematurely 'cause i was scared of both getting hurt again and dragging her into my emotinal bullshit.

god i hope she doesn't read this.

but at the same time...i do...

yeah i know i'm a pussy...but she's a REALLY nice friend to have and i'd hate to taint that by possibly insulting her...

and with that i'll find something else to divert my studying prowess...



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