Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



music: rammstein's "engel" music video

this is really weird...something i realized a while ago but didn't remember 'till now. if you don't know rammstein they're this german hardcore metal band. well known for insane shows with all kinds of pyrotechnics and EPIC proportions in sound and audience. either way...this video for engel is set almost exactly like the scene in 'from dusk 'till dawn' where salma hayek comes out with a snake and sticks her foot in some dude's mouth and pours whiskey down it. interesting how a german metal band quotes a quentin tarantino VAMPIRE movie from america.

i love it.

either way, what was i saying. doesn't matter. i'm finally done with the week...pretty much. just have to be relatively coherent at one class tomorrow, do some acis jobs...shit like that. then all that i have to worry about is this party on friday. we've gotta do at least a little bit'a decorating....we've already talked about lighting. i might try and get the speakers flown to make it just a bit cooler. and i was also thinking of just running horror movies on all the dvd players in the place (computers)...*shrugs*. i don't have much. there will be alcohol, though. oh yes.

i finished most of my data structures....didn't even attempt one large part of the programming 'cause i'd wasted too much time last night fixing my comp (see last post)..but i'm satisfied. i destroyed the midterm so i have a buffer. i'm done looking for a's in classes i don't give a shit about. my electronics pset was equally horrible....but that's okay. it doesn't count for much and i've got time to learn it.

and this whistler thing (sorry catherine) doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. INSTEAD, i think i'm gonna take up the SEAS peeps on their weekend trip...me and steiner are probably gonna go. catherine! you should come. any other snow-goers out there? me and catherine snowboard, steiner skiis....it's up at mt. snow which is a gorgeous mountain. i think they said 200 bucks for transportation, lodging and lifts for the weekend. i'd say that's worth it...no?

haven't had much me-time lately. this cold keeps me pretty flustered...it's one of those where i cough incessently and like....a tiny little drop of mucous comes up....but it still hurts to cough. my nose is intermittantly stuck as well....bah. on top of that all the work i've had has kept me pretty well doped up on coffee or nyQuil at any given moment....i think i'm pretty sober at the moment. i'd like to get some sleep tonight....and i still have some wine :) maybe i'll go grab another one, this one was pretty good. i'm enjoying this wine tasting adventure.

oh....and about the boost in posts lately....for some reason a lotta people have been searcing 'monica belushi'...persiphone in matrix 2 from my hot hot list. i've decided it's just too hard to narrow down. the list is the list, plus the comments (salma hayek and franke potente)...and then some no use i continue.

alright, enough randomness. give me peace.



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