Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


insomniac music theater

music: none
volume: none

so i was going to go to sleep when i got back at about 2:30....i still haven't slept more than a 1.5 hour block in 36 hours...and that includes a lot of stress and a lot of studying...i really do believe that this insomnia is NOT in my head...which would be much easier to deal with. something's really wrong with me, hah.

either way, had a great time with my brother and sister. my brother was TRASHED by his coworkers/bosses by the time i caught up with him...enough so that i had to finish his long island (along with mine) before we headed out to dinner. poor guy couldn't even remember things from ten minutes prior....haha. he was still jet lagged and hadn't eaten all day...smart. i was stressed out, coffee and skittled up and hadn't eaten all day....smart. but yeah we ate at a badass pub restaurant called BB Doyle's on 51st off 8th ave. i had a shepard's pie. my high school dining hall used to make shepard's pies andi loved 'em...so i got one. their's was MUCH better. mmm....then i ate a lotta my brother's steak as well 'cause he wasn't really eating it. then we had a mudpie and ice cream.

after that i headed down to 1st and 1st to meet up with yang and christian and friends. it was yang's birthday last night. i got there really late on account of dinner but they still had some party in 'em. it was fun, i haven't hung out with those guys in quite a while. i definitely look forward to it more often as winter comes and ultimate goes. i really have to get off campus more often. this place is soffocating me (no offense). i mean, i love the people here, and hell, if people'd come with me let's get the fuck outa' here...but usually we never really find the motivation so the only way i get off campus is to just go meet someone else. meh.

then austin calls me'cause he forgot his ID and the gaurd apparently doesn't know his alphabet at all because in searching for Frank, he started at W. i don't get it. then of course he goes to about J and decides THEN that maybe he should go to A. then, of course, flips quickly to G. amazing. i started hovering so i could point it out when he got there 'cause i was shirtless, cold, extremely tired and pissed off that this gaurd was being such an idiot. i really don't mean to be derisive or anything...i think he seriously just didn't want to help us at all. of course austin could barely stand still (swaying)...finally got out. and i was just about to go brush teeth and take my contacts out when austin goes in the bathroom and slams around in a drunken piss...haha. i laid down on the couch and started watching insomniac music theater, a strip movie on HBO, a vietnamese movie on IFC, MTV, and Wild On on E!. yeah....then i found myself two and a half hours later....here...not yawning anymore.

i'll force it.

*whiiiiiirrrr* (computer fan)


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