Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


cock block

music: same cd (rammstein "engel")
volume: 4

so i totally thought i had my computer working....but i got cock blocked. in case i didn't say before, i found an actual gateway tower that looks exactly like mine ut looks like it might be an older version...or some kind of server...there's a giant heat sink over the cpu that looks like the size of three cpu's...i haven't taken it off yet to check yet. either way, the thign's completely stripped of all but the sound card, the motherboard, the floppy and cd drives. even all the ram and cables for the drives are gone. BUT, there's enough juice in the motherboard to at least test a power source and my power source is indeed dead. and the one from the street tower does indeed work.

i thought it might just be a fuse so i opened both up and put the known working fuse into my power source....nothig...not even a flicker. so i replace the fuse and put the street power source into my computer and still...nothing. BUT, i start randomly just pumping the power button and all of a sudden some fans start going, some lights go on, and i hear the harddrive churning as cd and floppy drives check. i almost pissed myself. but then....nothing showed up on the monitor...and all the sounds slowly faded until all that was left were the computer fans. so sad. it won't even shut off when i hold down the power button.

SO, i'm pretty sure this thing recieved some kind of powersurge because it happened before i put in my surge protector (it was in the pigeon pit at the time). but not only did it fry my power source, but it also fried something else on the mother board :( of course i SHOULD've been doing my homework for the past hour and a half....but yeah we know how that goes. the next thing i'm going to try is put ALL of my stuff into the street one and see if that works. or i could try my harddrive in another computer first...but i don't think the harddrive's the problem since a manual shut down won't even work...so it seems like something's fried on the motherboard (the street computer WILL manually shut down). FUCK!!!

oh well. i'll keep you posted.


ps....any geeks out there are welcome to chime in some suggestions...


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