Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


good fuckin' day

music: jack johnson
volume: 4

so this may be the beginning of the greatest fuckin' weekend ever. hah. starts with last night of course. but today, i got up late (although STILL only getting five fuckin' hours of sleep) and hung out with the crackerjack for a few minutes before i had to go to a job at 119th, then i went to her place (pimptown) and drank her smoothie. good times.

after that i came back and did more work for ACIS...not hard. next week i might have a lotta work, though. either way, after that i took some nappage and waited fro my brother to come and drop his shit off. he went to sleep 'cause he was still hungover (woke up drunk for work, haha) as i left for port authority to meet my sis for the boom boom huckjam, tony hawk's extreme games exhibition. so hot...so hot. i wanna go jump off something high now. it was an awesome time. they had a band called 'anarchy orchestra' that played instrumental cover songs....'instrumental' being two fx'd up guitarists, bassist, and TWO drummers (one on a tomtom/cymbal/garbage can standing set), as well as a dj. it was really nicely setup and they were BAD-ASS. i had an awesome time. christian, i was about to buy your bmx at one point...but decided to be thifty...now i wish i bought it, hah.

and now...as usual...i'm not tired when i have to get up in about four hours for ULTIMATE!!! i'll be gone all weekend for those non-ultimators, fyi. we're crashing at steiner's house (all 25 of us!) and his parents are bbq'ing us on saturday night. so great. i probably won't be able to play all weekend on account of my back (i think i'll bring a vicodin...emphasis on A) but i don't care. whatever i get to play will be worth it.

heh...apparently crackerjack just called austin askin' him if he wanted to hang out with them. he was going to bed...but i thought it was funny 'cause he was really tempted. i'm sitting here drinking wine trying to get tired enough to sleep the few measly hours i have left. before the bus. but then i get to sleep on the bus. here we go again with the small blocks of sleep.

i'm a mess.


i'm gonna pack some


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