Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


funny, insignificant story

how's this for sucking. last summer some time i was flipping betwen vh1, mtv, mtv2, and fuse (another music channel) and found myself at one point caught between to songs that i was trying to figure out the name/artist of. so i was flipping back and forth, trying to judge the end of the song on each of them simultaneously (severely impeding my enjoyment of either) and ultimately, missed both.

iiiiii sucked. haha.

either way, last night i was flipping between vh1 and mtv, 'cause they were BOTH playing music! what're the chances of that. either way one of the songs came up that i'd missed that warm summer night:

damien rice - "volcano"

it's a band with a guy on a guitar singing(rice, i imagine), a cellist, and a female vocalist. what caught me the first time was the girl's voice. i'm a sucker for an intersting female voice. and she was gorgeous. that always helps. very mellow song...hard to explain any type of comparison i could make. maybe it sounded...jazzy? i dunno, go download it and tell me what you think. and download more of his stuff and tell me if he's a one hit wonder :)

i often right these just so i have titles of mystery songs documented; convenient.



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