Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



another adventure on IFC tonight. movie called 'crash' which i was interested in because i saw her picture in an IFC magazine and i recognized her from highlander (endgame i think) 'cause she was in possibly the most amazing r-rated sex scene i've ever seen. her name is deborah kara unger. either way, the premise of the movie is that this married couple is a little...er....twisted...and they get obsessed with the thrill of car crashes like most people are obsessed with sex...only when they get all excited over a car crash, they end up having hot hot sex.

granted it was on IFC it was still r-rated i'm pretty sure...at least that's how i'd rate it. this movie is possibly the most disturbing, twisted, and yet arousing movie i've ever seen. too bad i didn't see the beginning and i passed out for about twenty minutes as well...i'll have to find it some other way to watch the whole thing but in the end there's like five people all bangin' eachother...and only the married couple actually doing it in a bed. even the two dudes end up goin' at it in one of the busted up cars....SO FUCKIN' WEIRD!

from IFC:

It won a Cannes' Special Jury Prize for its "originality, daring and audacity." What more could you ask for in a movie? But be forewarned: David Cronenberg's adaptation of J. G. Ballard's novel about an alienated married couple whose sexuality becomes entwined with the thrill and danger of car crashes is not for everyone - only for those looking for an invigorating, visionary experience.

i don't know how often i find weird, but very cool movies just by lookin' for some actress i think is hot. probably a bad sign but whatever. another actress is kelly macdonald. she's in a lotta indie films that i've found...and they're usually rather twisted. she was the hot schoolgirl in 'trainspotting' (that's the first time i saw her) but then i saw her in this other movie called 'stella does tricks' where she's an underage prostitute who's just totally taken advantage of by this old crusty dude she thinks loves her who burns her with cigarettes and has a whole house of underage hookers he pimps. another disturbing one. who else...oh ellen pompeo, who was the high school crush in 'old school' (freckles, blue-green eyes) who i found in another lesser known movie called 'moonlight mile' with dustin hoffman, susan sarandon, and that donnie darko kid. i borrowed it for her (and i guess the rest of the cast when i discovered it) and it turned out to be an AMAZING movie. it's a quiet movie, but there are so many little details in it that just really make you think. i love movies like that. i'll buy it sometime. i say that a lot.

i really do love movies. IFC has been a lotta fun this past year (i started watching it at home this past summer) and late night HBO also sometimes has some stuff that should only be seen by insomniacs anyway. i suppose it's just another facet of my mild masochism that i get such joy out of the movies that disturb me the most. i guess it's along thelines of never really feeling comfortable...gotta get knocked off balance to start getting anywhere, right?



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