Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


fucked list

music: engima - rivers of belief (music vid)
volume: 22

this week's gonna SUCK....somehow it sounds like everyone is:

- microfab pset (due today...no real due date though...probably not gonna happen)
- data structures pset from hell (due tuesday no more late days...so confused)
- electronics pset from hell (due tuesday...extended 'till wednesday 11pm)
- microwave lab writeup from hell (due wednesday...a friend took ten hours on it)
- signals pset...no clue (due thursday)

- party (b.white's b.day. try not to die)
- work friday? who knows.
- find job for graduation. due now.

hope you were lookin' forward to some procrastinatory blob reading :) 'cause it'll be comin' to a theater near you in three...two...one...

*click* (like those old school black and white movie things they snap closed to start a scene)


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