music: mixed cd - incubus - pardon me
we're waiting for raj to show up so we can head out to atlantic city...first time for me. it's interesting being twenty one now where all ths shit is actually legal. i might not even gamble, but it still sounds like fun. maybe black jack? if they have low enough poker tables i'll hit it up, but i kind of doubt they do. casinos don't make money off low stakes poker....
i woke up early this morning to do laundry because i absolutely had NO clean socks or boxers. i was using just random shorts i had as underwear for a while, and mismatched socks (that feels really weird btw, having two socks that feel different...) but i figured this would be a good reason to get some clean undies. gotta' look like money ;) just saw swingers on the bus last weekend coming back from UMASS.
my parents absolutely love going to vegas. they don't even gamble all that much. my mom plays some slots...and roulette. she really does has a lotta luck, it's funny. the first time they went i suggested that she play roulette 'cause i thought she'd have a lotta fun doing it...and she did...and she won...she was playing low stakes but she won like a hundred bucks or something and came home and gave me a twenty, that was nice of her :) i WOULD like to play poker at a casino....but i just really don't have the money to do that right now. my banking's all fucked up 'cause i thought i did something that i didn't and now i have to wait for it to go through and and and....meh. the funny thing is that because of that i have a shitload'a money in my bank account (which shoulda' payed off some'a my credit card)....maybe i should leave my atm card home...hah.
i'm still pissed off that i bought all that beer that one drunken night and don't remember it (forty five bucks) and drank like TWO beers out of that and got no money back. i figure at some point i'd learn my lesson...or get mad...but no, i go and spend another 100 bucks on this party and don't get anything back.
i'm done with that for a while. i'm just gonna bring a flask and let everyone else worry about it.
yeah i'm just rambling 'cause raj isn't here yet. we could technically go without him (dave's driving as well) but it's not like we're really in a rush. a rush to lose our money : ) hah. dave's getting restless as well....he's talking to himself and skipping around.
i think i'm too relaxed right now to think of anything interesting to blob. sorry to waste your time :) that smile's there 'cause i'm really lying. i just like hearing myself talk.
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