music: Ekolu - stuck on you
so against all logical reasoning, i got stuck watching requiem for a dream again. a great movie, but if you've seen it, you'll understand how i REALLY wasn't exactly looking to watch it again. luckily i got to it right in the middle when things were (for lack of a better word). i found it was just a little bit easier to take with the volume turned really low....but god DAMN that shit is disturbing. being an audiophile, i appreciate any appropriate use of sound....and whoever did the sound in that movie is a fuckin' GENIUS....but i'd still like to punch him in the nuts. *shivers*
so i actually did do half a pset this evening. steiner came over for a bit, then left 'cause he got irritated that he'd forgotten his book. we're gonna try again tomorrow afternoon. i was GOING to try and finish the pset...but instead i spent about two hours looking at surf movie trailiers on god damn i wanna go home. i'll be honest, i'm gonna go home and get POUNDED. winter time is when the north, northeast swells come in...and for some reason they're a lot bigger than the other swells.....not sure why. i should check on that. either way...i've never surfed the north shore. well, i did once, on a one of the inner breaks up at pipeline when it was like, four feet maybe. they were just way more powerful than i'm used to. it was barelling really nicely...but i couldn't pull in. the water's so clear you can see straight to the bottom...straight to the reef....straight to the teeth. couldn't find the balls 'cause if i went over the falls i woulda' been eaten (i wasn't all that good at that time...). a friend of mine's been surfing most of his life, though (got a few of those) and knows some beaches that're more tame, though. so there's hope yet...if i don't drown. or get a surfboard to the forehead. wait i've done both of those already.....without the dying.
god my grades are gonna suck this semester
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