Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


rufio - don't hate me


so i got ten hours of sleep last night :) that felt really good...minus the whole standing up afterwards part 'cause all my muscles are sore...and my back. one'a my acis tickets called me at 11am (that was 8.5 hrs. sleep) to make an appt. this evening....i went back to sleep 'cause i do jack shit on mondays and slept 'till 12:30. woke up and made some coffee and turned on HBO. i really like HBO in the afternoons 'cause they show good movies that aren't the new blockbusters or whatever new movie they got rights to show and show about three times a night.

today was 'the mambo kings' w/ antonio banderas. i pretty much want to be antonio banderas and i'd heard of this movie years and years ago...something tells me my parents might've liked it? and tito puente was in it, so more motivation to see it. either way, within the first like...20 minutes i thought it was an amazing movie and considered buying it. austin walked in at some point saying he watched it, i told him i already liked it, and he said it just got better....and it did :) very...touching...on many levels. and some hot music, too. once again, i wish i could play better...play ANYTHING better. in time, in time.

i read in a time out article that there're international suppliers who sell absynthe (absinthe, absynth, absinth, absenthe, absenth...i've seen all different spellings) through online websites AND ebay. i think i might get some at some point...research to be done later this week. apparently it's only illegal to SELL it in the united states; but it's legal to buy it, own it, and consume it. more precisely, it' illegal to sell it w/ the main ingredient, wormwood, whose main attribute is providing the mythical hallucinogenic properties of absynth, the green fairy :) so there are knockoffs without the wormood that're legal and most claim that the fun stuff really is mythical anyway. who knows. better indulge in this sin while my stomach can still take it...

"hi, my name is jess kaneshiro, and i haven't had a drink in TWO AND A HALF DAYS!" *thinks to self* but that'll all end this wednesday when another ultimator ripens. weetao!

at least i don't get drunk alone...yet.



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