Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


hobby day

had a nice night last night. relaxing, indirectly avoided covers :) and got some good beer. even got one beer bought for me by a gay guy....

doesn't mean anything, he got a round for the whole table. heh.

just a chilly night of sitting and talking, i like those. came home and woke up an hour before my alarm clock (set for eight hours). i think getting 6-6.5 hours of sleep a night is locking itself in. very odd....i used to be able to sleep forever if i actually got to sleep (my problem was never 'sleeping'...but just getting to sleep). but now...7 hours and i couldn't sleep anymore, interesting. i was trying to find someone to go hiking with me but nobody seemed interested. so instead i went surfing. i was gonna try and book it to the airport to go to FedEx to pick up my digital camera....but there was some ridiculous traffic and i never woulda' made it so i jsut went to the beach. crowded as hell...there hasn't been surf in like two weeks and there was a TINY bump at a small number of beaches today so everyone was there....oh well. still caught a few sweet rides....and avoided killing one retard who didn't know what he was doing....

came home and napped. then went to work on raimi. i fixed her timing and she ROCKS now. it's posted on that blog. learning a lot about 'er :) my plan's workin' out just fine. i'm glad it is because a 3100 dollar failed investment in a hobby would've sucked. but yeah, i'm hooked. i drive around now checkin' out everyone's exhaust and rear suspension...both on my list of improvements...when i have a bit more money, of course.

i think i might chill tonight....



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