Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


of note

some things i keep meaning to mention:

my fall league team ROCKS. to refresh, me and my friend ariel cocaptained a team. we thought we were pretty screwed at the draft when they ranked us second and third round draft picks (which meant we skip those rounds)...but damn. we milked what we had for all it was worth. great choices...i'm psyched about all of 'em.

cops finally got me :) nothing bad, safety check, registration, and no front licence plate. front licence plate on a camaro!!! grrrr. oh well. that's what attracted him. he passed me going the opposite direction on some side roads, prolly saw my licence plate, saw this young kid driving a car like that, and thought he'd make sure it's legit. damnit. 55 bucks times two (he let the registration slide because it is registered, i just haven't put the little sticker on). i'm debating whether or not to contest it because contesting entails fixing...haha. i can't get a safety check at the moment 'cause my speedometer is broken and i'm pretty goddamn sure i can't pass an emissions test with one of my headers cracked completely around. my cold weld fix lasted all of a couple of weeks....*sigh*. i guess i should buy a new pair....

brian white's in town :) i'll see him a bit during the week after work and such, and we'll prolly go hiking or something this weekend.

um....i change jobs next friday...that should be interesting.

i think i'm dumping the el camino idea and concentrate on a bike once i get my credit cards in decent condition.

um....oh, and one thing i was thinking today. i think all my weird woes might be coming from work getting boring....today i was doing the extremely redundant job of sizing and aligning all the various electrical, telephone, cable, water, and gas boxes that go into public utilities for a map of an ENORMOUS section of town. i found that i'd gotten so good at it (i've been doing it for two days...and probably at least one more) that i didn't really have to think about it anymore....so i found myself brooding over all kinds of shit. work. money. women. family. parents. jacuzzies. injuries. cars. women. women. women.

of course i have to trip myself out on coffee, tea and coke to stay up all day at work...so i'm wired while i'm bored and brooding over all this shit...so i get eight hours of high intensity brooding...and this has been going on for a while. so the job change should actually be awesome.

if it doesn't help...then i guess i'll go get laid or something.

or...just...drink more.

definitely need more sleep.


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